by kimdelaro | Oct 12, 2024 | Spirituality |
A few weeks ago, one of my friends accepted a new job offer. She was excited about this new venture but after working there for a little over a week, she left that job. When I asked her why, she explained how the job was “weirding her out”. The job consisted of...
by kimdelaro | May 12, 2024 | Lifestyle |
Did you ever want to make friends but feel socially awkward? That’s me all the way. Whenever I see those social media posts about plans getting canceled and the person receiving the message has an overwhelming sense of joy, I get it. I never really knew how to...
by kimdelaro | Aug 20, 2023 | Lifestyle |
Summer is here — the season of beaches, pools, BBQs, day trips, concerts, carnivals, and all things exciting. After spending the past few years indoors due to the pandemic, it’s safe to say we’re all ready to get out there and have some fun. But let’s face it: all...
by kimdelaro | Mar 22, 2023 | Mental Health |
As a writer, I never thought of writers as business owners. However, in the age of technology, I quickly learned if I wanted to write for a living I needed to behave like a business owner. If I wanted to be a working writer, I needed to stay relevant, stay engaged,...
by kimdelaro | Jun 24, 2021 | Lifestyle |
Have you ever heard the phrase “dating the same guy in different shoes”? Well a few years ago, that was my pattern. I didn’t even know I had a pattern until I took a relationship boot camp seminar (yes, really). I was sick and tired of failed...