by kimdelaro | May 12, 2024 | Lifestyle |
Did you ever want to make friends but feel socially awkward? That’s me all the way. Whenever I see those social media posts about plans getting canceled and the person receiving the message has an overwhelming sense of joy, I get it. I never really knew how to...
by kimdelaro | Jul 27, 2020 | Spirituality |
I use to think joy was external. At least that was the notion I grew up with. In order to be happy you need to have outward success. As the years went by, life gave me a different definition. One day I read a quote by Jim Carey which said, “I wish people became...
by kimdelaro | Jan 3, 2020 | Mental Health |
We’ve all heard the saying: New year, new resolutions. It’s the new year new me movement where we get started on the things we want to improve. On the 31st we’re out celebration and partying – and wake up on the 1st to get started on our goals....