by kimdelaro | May 12, 2024 | Lifestyle |
Did you ever want to make friends but feel socially awkward? That’s me all the way. Whenever I see those social media posts about plans getting canceled and the person receiving the message has an overwhelming sense of joy, I get it. I never really knew how to...
by kimdelaro | Aug 20, 2023 | Lifestyle |
Summer is here — the season of beaches, pools, BBQs, day trips, concerts, carnivals, and all things exciting. After spending the past few years indoors due to the pandemic, it’s safe to say we’re all ready to get out there and have some fun. But let’s face it: all...
by kimdelaro | Apr 27, 2023 | Fitness |
The first time I tried yoga was during a P90X challenge. I was sixteen years old. For those who have no idea what P90X is: a fitness dude named Tony Horton created a signature 90-day workout program called P90X and it was a big hit in the early 2000s. So naturally, I...
by kimdelaro | Feb 17, 2023 | Mental Health |
I remember the day I was asked what I wanted to do with my life. I was a teen in my senior year of high school and like every teenager my age, I had no clue. In fact, I would hate being asked this question over and over because I was too ashamed to say “I don’t know”...
by kimdelaro | Dec 31, 2022 | Mental Health |
Every year, I take the last week of the year off to spend quality time with my family. Normally I would plan multiple things to do and see the week between Christmas and New Year just so that we weren’t laying around. And now that I’m a mom, it’s a MUST to have...