by kimdelaro | Oct 12, 2024 | Spirituality |
A few weeks ago, one of my friends accepted a new job offer. She was excited about this new venture but after working there for a little over a week, she left that job. When I asked her why, she explained how the job was “weirding her out”. The job consisted of...
by kimdelaro | Aug 12, 2024 | Lifestyle |
A few days ago, I met with a girlfriend who’s currently single and she told me she was officially done with dating apps. When I asked why, since she has been actively looking for a partner, she said: “There are too many weirdos online now! It’s too much!” When it...
by kimdelaro | Nov 23, 2022 | Nutrition |
Many people will do whatever it takes to stay healthy. Some will take up a sport or fitness program while others will take on a new diet. But for those looking to start their health journey with something simple and easy, taking vitamins is the way to go. When it...
by kimdelaro | Jun 3, 2021 | Fitness |
As a woman and a mother, I can run my body to the ground. From trying to juggle motherhood, work, wellness, and everything else, it’s been tough to balance all of this. I actually get into this more in-depth in my awesome podcast called Deep Magic. Lately, my...
by kimdelaro | Jul 20, 2020 | Lifestyle |
Every week I create a schedule for myself of things that need to be completed. And nine times out of ten, the majority of it doesn’t get done. Before I start the day, I have a cup of coffee and review everything on my calendar. On average this is what my...