by kimdelaro | Aug 12, 2024 | Relationships |
A few days ago, I met with a girlfriend who’s currently single and she told me she was officially done with dating apps. When I asked why, since she has been actively looking for a partner, she said: “There are too many weirdos online now! It’s too much!” When it...
by kimdelaro | May 12, 2024 | Relationships |
Did you ever want to make friends but feel socially awkward? That’s me all the way. Whenever I see those social media posts about plans getting canceled and the person receiving the message has an overwhelming sense of joy, I get it. I never really knew how to...
by kimdelaro | Apr 9, 2023 | Latest Posts, Relationships |
The other day, I had a few friends over for a visit and one of them asked me if I prepared any easter eggs for my son this year. I looked at her puzzled and said “No.” She then looked at me with the same puzzled look and asked me “Don’t you celebrate Easter?” When I...
by kimdelaro | Jun 24, 2021 | Relationships |
Have you ever heard the phrase “dating the same guy in different shoes”? Well a few years ago, that was my pattern. To be honest, I didn’t even know I had a pattern until I took a relationship boot camp seminar (yes, really). I was sick and tired of...
by kimdelaro | Jul 20, 2020 | Relationships |
Every week I create a schedule for myself of things that need to be completed. And nine times out of ten, the majority of it doesn’t get done. Before I start the day, I have a cup of coffee and review everything on my calendar. On average this is what my...
by kimdelaro | Jun 16, 2020 | Relationships |
The death card in the tarot has to be one of my favorite cards. Usually, whenever I read for people and this card comes up, they immediately fall into panic mode. They stare at my face with fear hoping that I won’t tell them that they’re going to die. Or...